Everyone MAKES tea differently but if you stopped by for a VISIT, this is HOW we’d make it.

Wondering how to brew hot tea or make iced tea? Let's begin.


Prepare a Perfect Pot
of Tea.

Bring cold water to a rolling boil. Remember, four cups of tea is equal to four cups of water. Next, add your tea leaves to the pot. A four cup pot is equal to four teaspoons of tea. With larger leaves, the ratio will likely be 4 cups of water to 4 teaspoons of tea. With smaller tea leaves, the ratio will be 4 cups of water to 2 teaspoons of tea. Black teas steep 4-5 minutes. Smaller leaves may require 4 minutes, while larger leaves require 5 minutes. Stir the pot to distribute full flavor and pour yourself a restoring cup of tea.


Prepare a Perfect Pitcher
of ICED Tea.

Measure 6 heaping teaspoons of tea leaves into your teapot. Then, pour in 1 1/4 cup of boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. Pour your tea into a pitcher, straining the leaves, and place in refrigerator to cool. When ready to serve, pour over ice and enjoy!